“Today, there is a campaign to eliminate bullying in our children’s schools. Although it’s not intuitive, bullying is our school system’s way of preparing children to be arrogant assholes like many of the officers and senior petty officers that I met in my years in the Coast Guard.”

ETCS Jake Lively, USCG (Ret.)

The Coast Guard’s Criminal Abuse

of the Legal & Civil Rights of

Administratively Discharged Junior Enlisted Personnel

What’s New?

And the lies continue: Nine additional former cadets at the U.S. Coast Guard “Rape” Academy have formally accused Academy and Coast Guard “leadership” of encouraging sexual violence on campus, while concurrently covering it up. October’s claims bring the total to 22 cadets - both women and men - having filed filed federal complaints naming the Coast Guard, and seeking $220 million in damages.

(See “Corruption Exposed” and “Perverts, Drunks, Cheats, Rapists and Racists”)

Meanwhile the Coast Guard is building a $150+ million dollar “National Coast Guard Museum” in New London, CT ostensibly to “celebrate Coast Guard members and their accomplishments”. No displays concerning USCG leadership, principles, ethics or morals are planned.

Haughty, elitist Coast Guard officers and Senior Enlisted leaders completely disregard junior enlisted personnel (E-3 to E-5) who they treat as little more than indentured servants. Disinterested, lackadasical or deliberately absent USCG officers leave both discipline and reward to a cabal of near-criminal Chiefs who practice favoritism, bias and racism on a daily basis.

I spent my Second Class year of West Point in New London. The Coast Guard Academy is a hot mess and about as military as the Public Health Service.”

Maj. Tom Walters, USA

Best Viewed in Full Screen Mode

“I have yet to communicate with a Coast Guard officer above the rank of Lieutenant Commander, who didn’t lie to me . I am convinced that being an unrepentant liar is a prerequisite for promotion to field grade.'‘

Tim Warner, Independent Journalist

This site is NOT affiliated with the United States Coast Guard… Simply because they were too naive to realize that they should have purchased all “Coast Guard” domain names.

“In the Army, when a platoon fails to successfully carry out its mission, the Company Commander relieves the Platoon Commander. In the Coast Guard, they discharge a couple of junior Petty Officers.”

BMCS Bill Maley, USN

“In the Navy, a Sailor having trouble adjusting to the military lifestyle is referred to as a ‘Leadership Problem’. In the Coast Guard, he would just be discharged.'‘

CAPT Colgate Williams, USN (Ret.)

USCG Abuse of the Uncharacterized Discharge

Although nearly all the Armed Services misuse the Uncharacterized Discharge, per capita, the Coast Guard is, by a multiple of seven, the worst offender; involuntarily discharging junior enlisted personnel administratively; and purposefully punishing them in the absence of due process by voiding all VA Benefits, despite their up to eight years of active duty service. This equates to extrajudicial punishment and is unconstitutional and thus illegal by definition.

The Sham USCG/DHS Discharge Appeal Process:

Lowest Priority - Unqualified Board Members - Disregard of Evidence - USCG/DHS Attorney Collusion - Predetermined “Decisions” - Counter to Federal Law and USCG Regulations.

The USCG’s Corrupt and Bogus Discharge Review Board

Characterized by a lack of leadership, improper manning, inapprorpriate command influence, a lackadaisical attitude and gross incompetence, the Coast Guard’s DRB is a fraud that simply “decides” as Commander, CG-1 / Human Resources tells them… and statisticallly-speaking, never overturns a discharge.

At the Behest of Coast Guard Leaders, the DRB and the BCMR Disregard both the Law and Regulations in Order to Uphold Illegitimate and Improper Separations.

The Board for Correction of Military Records’ Rubber Stamp

Chaired and manned by unqualified, disengaged, and haughty civilian attorneys from the DHS Office of the General Council, the BCMR relies wholly on an equally unqualified paralegal to both summarize the appealant’s application, the USCG JAG’s Advisory Opinion, and the evidence; and draft the Decision document. Incestually linked, the BCMR never deviates from the Coast Guard’s stated desires.

A Contemporary Testimonial…

In just four months time, I was subjected to accusations of narcotics abuse, illicit drug use, inapititude, making a false official statement, and fraudulent enlistment; intially by my selectively misandrist, temporary division officer, YNC Jennifer Fischer. All of these accusations were false. Subsequently, in retaliation for an EEO Complaint I filed for “harrassment and bullying” naming Chief Fischer, and wIthout any evidence on which to base an NJP or Court Martial, my disintersted and overwhelmed C.O., CDR Randy Meador, conspired with USCG Enlisted Personnel Managment to involuntarly separate me with a purposefully punishing Uncharacterized Discharge. This “entry-level” discharge - although I’d served three years active duty - was carried out without the authority and requsite signature of Commander, Personnel Service Center - and thus was itself a UCMJ Punitive Offense : “Fraudulent Separation”. In addition to robbing me of my livelihood and docking my paycheck to recover my enlistment bonus, I lost all VA Benefits - including the GI Bill - valued over a lifetime at $100,000.

My efforts to overturn this punishing and improper discharge, given in the absence of due process or proof of wrongdoing, were stonewalled for four years, initially by RDML Melvin Bouboulis, Director of Operational Logistics. Ms. Kathleen Claffie, Chief of the HQ FOIA Office was also complicit, completely denying my FOIA Request / Appeal for evidentiary documents - whose existence the Coast Guard confirmed - of the conspiratiorial effort to fraudulently separate me. Reflecting the well-documented cronyism that plagues the Coast Guard, RADM Joanna Nunan, CG-1/Human Resources,then instituted and led a cover-up that included the Coast Guard’s sham Discharge Review Board, which required15 months simply to deny my appeal outright, justified by “citing” fictional pre-USCG juvenile “offenses” and without having accessed my service record, which the Coast Guard had lost months before.

My subsequent two-year long DHS Board for Correction of Military Records application debacle was beyond the pale as the Board’s Chair, Ms. Julia Andrews, empowerd Mr. Duane Hale, a paralegal without military or law enforcement experience, to summarize a plethora of documentation, and author the Board’s decision, which the board “members” signed without having fully read the source material. Of note, the three panel members signed the Decision document two weeks after it was finalized by Ms. Andrews, replete with the lies and misrepresentations necessary to conform with the Coast Guard’s mandate laid out in the JAG’s “Advisory Opinion”; reportedly the BCMR’s standard practice. - Former USCG YN3

“The Coast Guard is aware of the 10-month deadline imposed on the Board, but since the BCMR is completely separate from the CG, the CG doesn’t really care if the Board misses the deadline. ”

- Mr. Duane Hale, DHS / OGC / BCMR

USCG Administrative “Misconduct” - “Guilty Until Proven Innocent”

Counter to our country’s judicial precept, in an administrative setting, without due process , the Coast Guard can accuse and “convict” anyone of anything; particularly when regulations written to negate abuses of power are ignored and Coast Guard leaders and attorneys are bound to side with the accuser.  Without any burden of proof, the Coast Guard can sit back and require the accused to prove that he/she didn’t commit an alleged offense; a nearly impossible task as the “offense” was merely an “accusation” without evidence of wrongdoing.  

When an involuntarily-separated Coastguardsman does appeal a separation or discharge characterization (which is very rare, as the Coast Guard’s “marks” are typically young, naïve E-4s or below),  both the USCG Discharge Review Board and DHS Board for the Correction of Military Records, “presume propriety” on the part of the accuser, which equates directly to “presumption of guilt” on the part of the accused.  It’s our bedrock legal precept of “innocent until proven guilty” turned completely on its head.

Timeline: USCG Discharge Review Board - 18 Months!

  • FOIA Request for Evidence Submitted - 05 April 2019

  • DRB Appeal Submitted - 09 August 2019

  • Applicant’s Service Record (PDR) Provided to the BCMR by the USCG - Never

  • DRB Convened - 30 January 2020 (six month delay)

  • DRB Recommended Denial - 01 September 2020 (nine month delay)

  • Flag Officer Signature / Denied Appeal - 29 October 2020

RDML Melvin Bouboulis, Operational Logistics; Ms. Kathleen Claffie, HQ FOIA; RADM Joanna Nunan, Human Resources; and CDRs Laura Moose & Thomas Gwilliam of the DRB imposed these intentional delays.

“There’s no hurry. He was an E-4. He got tossed. We’ll get to it eventually. No one gives a shit. What’s for lunch?”

Timeline: DHS Board for Correction of Military Records - Two Years!!!

  • BCMR Application Submitted - 16 August 2021

  • Applicant’s Service Record (PDR) Provided to the BCMR by the USCG - Never

  • USCG Adivisory Opinion (AO) Submitted - 08 March 2023

  • AO Provided to Applicant - 20 April 2023

  • Applicant Submitted AO Rebuttal - 09 May 2023

  • Final Decision Document Completed by Paralegal - 21 July 2023

  • Board Members “Digitally” Sign Final Decision Document - 03/04 August 2023 (two weeks after it was finalized without their input)

  • Revised DD-214 issued - 10 August 2023

  • Revised DD-214 Provided to Dept. of Veterans Affairs - 19 September 2023

Ms. Julia Andrews, Chair of the BCMR; & Mr. Duane Hale, BCMR Paralegal were responsible for these intentional delays.

“Yes, I know the law, but if we take two years vice the 10 months the law requires, It’s not like anyone cares. Wait… do you really think Meyer knows who you are?”